Baby Ian is Home.
Many thanks for the kind messages of support and congratulations while we've been going through the final steps to adopt our son. We finally made it home with Ian. We are now a family of 3. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and we hope you don't mind us cocooning like this for a few more days. I won't get into Ian's adoption story here but if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section - It will be a pleasure to answer them in these next few days.

Labels: Spring 09
Hello , little boy ! What a poppet . Congratulations to all three of you on having found each other !
Oh, Lucy, he's luscious! I'm sure privacy is an important consideration, but if you can find a way to tell me your family's adoption story, I would be privileged and delighted to hear it. Do you feel the awesome responsibility and gift God has placed in your arms? I'm sure you do. Parenting our three children has been the hardest and most rewarding work of my life. It has humbled me, gratified me, and sent me to heights of joy and depths of despair again and again, and those are just the usual days. :-) Blessings be on the three of you, and may you consider every day how God would have you guide this little soul given into your care.
dis donc je vois que ian dort en très bonne compagnie. son sommeil ne peut etre que bon...
Dear Lucy,
Congratulations and all the best wishes to you,Loic and Ian. Enjoy your bonding time and all the joy that the future holds for you.
Having children has been the best experiece of my life.
God Bless!
Lucy, Little Ian is precious. I am so happy for your family. Words sound trite, but looking at that inquisitve little face I see a bright new world and it chokes me up with the wonder of it all.
How wonderful! And an excellent choice of name (our son is also named Iain, though we chose a Scots spelling). He's a beautiful baby - congratulations.
Congratulations Lucy and Loic! He is gorgeous, and Ian is such a great name! I hope the transition goes smoothly and you enjoy every moment of these days.
I know the adoption process is different in the states vs. the process in Europe, but do you have any words of wisdom for those of us looking into adoption?
Look at those eyes! What a lucky little boy, and what lucky parents. Congratulations a thousand times over, Lucy!
He is a gorgeous peach of a baby. Nibble him for me, will you? My girls are too bit to nibble anymore.
Congratulations! He's a cutie. God bless him and your family.
What a beautiful, bright little fellow!! As he lies there against your heart, looking into the camera, he has the perfect look of knowing where he is, safe and warm, recognizing his Mother's embrace as if from his first breath.
God bless your wonderful cocoon, for always.
Thank you S&S, Lori, Seb, Penny, Fiona, Tracey, Meg, Peevish, Jen and Racheld.
Lori, yes, I feel the powah! Woo Hoo!
Tracey, I think that the process is pretty much the same in France as it is in the States. There is the home study phase, and then the actual adoption process.
My words of wisdom to anyone considering becoming an adoptive parent would be to decide what your project is early on. Talk to other couples and learn about their experiences. Do your research and find out all of your options. There might be adoption options that are just right for you that you never even thought about. Don't rely on the story from one agency, one organization, or one person you know. Contact people in your local government as well as private agencies.
We decided to adopt a long time ago, and decided to do a kind of adoption that can take 5 or 6 years to come through. We learned all about it, and then found a balance in our lives and our marriage accepting this kind of long wait. If we had been in a rush, of course this kind of adoption would not have been a good choice for us.
Another bit of advice to someone thinking about adoption but daunted by all of the intrusion and scrutiny is to remember that the authorities who handle this have the childrens' best interest in mind. They are not there to judge, to meddle in your private life, or make you jump through hoops for the fun of it. They are just making sure you are earnest in your intentions and know what you're getting into. Take the home study and talks with social workers one step at a time, relax, and learn a little bit about yourself in the process.
Good luck!
It has been said so well by others- what a precious miracle and how lucky you all are to be a family. Thank you for sharing a bit about the adoption process. My son will most certainly be looking at adoption when he is ready for a family and it warms my heart to see the fruit of the process.
I spent a year of college in Lyon and fell in love with the city. Happened across your blog on a recipe hunt. It's wonderful and I look forward to reading more.
Ian is beautiful -- congratulations!
Welcome Baby Ian!
You are loved!
a little darling. you two must be over the moon!
I'm so thrilled for you! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely photos and your news - I wait for your posts with bated breath. Ian is just gorgeous and I wish you all the happiness in the world!
Oh Lucy, he's gorgeous. Such a bright, inquisitive look. He's quite alert. And darling.
Everyone tells you how hard the transition is, how tired you'll be. But so few tell you what joy there is, how much you'll laugh, how these are the best days of your life.
OH, He is beautiful! All the best to the whole family! Hege
Oh, beautiful, beautiful. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart, Lucy!
What a beautiful little boy you have. Hearty congratulations on your little family.
He's gorgeous! Enjoy these snuggly, sleepless days.
Someone told me they truly don't last long enough. She was right.
(I've been reading; just now commenting.)
Lucy and Loic, Tears are welling up in my eyes. You have waited so long for Ian. He has been worth the wait! What a gorgeous boy! Take all the time you want to cocoon and enjoy your family time.
You have prayed and meditated for this moment to be here, it's here! Enjoy every minute of it.
Love all of you, Auntie Clare
He is so precious-definitely worth your very long wait!
Congratulations, Lucy & Loic! Ian is such a sweet little boy - and he has certainly chosen his parents carefully :)
Our first baby was born at the end of January (she was in a hurry - we didn't expect her until mid-March!) - and the past 3,5 months have been filled with so much joy. I still wake up every morning with a smile (albeit v. tired) and feeling blessed..
Dear Lucy,
Congratulations on your new baby boy, Ian. What a beautiful time this must be for you and your husband.
I live in Lyon and enjoying popping in to read your blog and knew of your intentions and wait to adopt a child. I have hesitated over the past few years to contact you because I did not want to be intrusive, but I would love bend your ear about the process.
My husband and I are in the middle of IVF and have experienced two failures and want very much to explore adoption. I am sure you will have your hands full from here on out, but if you could find time for a coffee I would love to pose some questions and discuss our situation a bit more (I already feel a bit naked typing out here). It mirrors yours in the sense that I am an American and my husband French (albeit American raised).
Please let me know if that would suit you. I live in Ainay, but am mobile and would happily meet you at your convenience (time & place).
I am off to make verbena syrup. Thank you!
Warmest regards,
Susan Mosseri-Marlio
Thank you so much, dear friends, for dropping in. I am so happy to read your kind comments and your own experiences. Susan, you are the person I was hoping to reach - so you ARE out there! Our stories are indeed very similar. By all means we must meet. Please contact me through the "about" page and we'll set up a time to meet.
He's beautiful. Just beautiful. Congratulations. xx
Congratulations--what a lucky little baby he is to have you as a parent, as I can see from that photo of you holding him. In these months, hold him close.
The first thing I thought when I saw his direct stare in the last photo was how brave he is. He looks like he's already been through a great adventure and succeeded beautifully.
Best wishes for your new family!
Francine just sent me the wonderful news. Good things come to those who KNOW how to wait.
Congratulations Lucy and Lori. Ian's eyes are so expressive already.
Do enjoy this privelege of parenting.
I haven't had much computer time, and just catching up on a rainy sunday evening and here is your wonderful news! Auguri!! Complimenti! Congratulations! And welcome Ian!!!
The first year is astounding, if only we could keep learning at that rate. I'm jealous of your time ahead with this cuddly boy, but I've had my time so I can't be greedy.
Un'abbracione (giant hug) to you and your family.
I am late, as usual, Lucy, but no less charmed by Baby Ian. Oh, he is lovely, so alert and smart looking!
He is blessed to have such a talented and loving mother and father.
Thanks so much for coming by!
Lucy he is beautiful! Congratulations on bringing your little one home. Many blessings. We adopted our youngest child, Daelyn from South Korea. Adoption is beautiful.
Lucy, I'm berating myself for not reading your blog more often - and then I see this precious little boy gazing so solemnly into the camera! I'm so happy for your happiness - all your happinesses. May Ian give you only pleasure and joy, all your lives long.
Congratulations, he is such a honey :) You and your husband must be over the moon. What a wonderful way to start the summer en famille.
What a beautiful baby Lucy. Congrats again and if you have any questions about raising boys...let me know (I got two...never a dull moment :-) !)
He is absolutely positively BEAUTIFUL. Congratulations!
--Margaret McCormick
Syracuse NY
He is absolutely adorable!! All the best to you and your young family!!
Your blog has always given me such joy and hope and inspiration for a life full of beauty. But seeing your little one has really filled me with joy today! What a beautiful nursery. Thank you so much for sharing, it really means a lot.
Congratulations Lucy, I'm SO happy for you..what a cutie he is!!
It is nice to come back here and and catch up after a long absence on everything going on here at Lucy's notebook...beautiful and inspiring and filled with hope and excitement (like your son's arrival!)
Wonderful Lucy. I am SO happy for you three. A lovely story that will get better and better!
Bonsoir Lucy, I am so pleased I have found your blog, I am a british woman who has recently moved to the Rhone-Alpes (with very little Francais under my belt) I found you while looking for a recipe for Vin de Noix. What I wanted to ask is - do you know of any recipes for Hazelnuts? I have several trees that I would love utilise.
Finally, I would just like to say a huge congratulations to you and your partner with regards to your new little pudding! He is sooo beautiful (My husband and I are in our 7th year of trying to conceive) I can only imagine how overjoyed you must be.
Best wishes - Sian
I found your blog today and have been reading it enraptured. Your baby is beautiful, feisty, fabulous. You write like a dream and I'm feeling inspired - to cook and to write. Thanks.
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